Thursday, May 28, 2009

The 49th Day -- May 24 Sunday

The day finally came.. 49th day since Granny passed away..
i remember i woke up with mixed feelings.. We will have to send Granny back to the temple for her final resting place.. to be reunited with Grandpa.

i was feeling really strange..not sure if i am happy that i can finally eat meat after today or sad that i can no longer buy food for Granny to eat..
I remember i was in a daze though i tried to hide it...

I had tried my best to chant prayers during these 49 days even though i did not manage to do it everyday.. you are supposed to chant it 108 times so that it will be good for Granny. I did.... i tried to do it every few days.. sometime.. work swarmed me so much that i could only chant when i was travelling in between locations/meetings... I even devised a way to move my fingers so that i can keep count of 108. i remember telling Siong i can still hear the chants in my head even though no one is saying it. I was chanting prayers silently in my heart when i was folding the joss paper ingots on the saturday evening.

We went to the temple.. did all the prayers as instructed.. we were told to tell Granny that she will be staying here from now onwards and asking her to bless her children and grandchildren.. when we saw Granny's tablet beside Grandpa and her photo was visible to all as a significant that she has finally came back to the temple.. i was feeling so miserable..
i remember thinking that i would no longer to be able to offer Granny any of her favourite food.. i was thinking that she will be alone here...... I remember that photo which was how Granny used to look like when i was small...

i had brought a small stock of flowers to her new house thinking that we can stick it on her house.. well. it will be removed after we leave.. was what we were told.. i will go & look for the lotus stickers to paste instead and on one can remove it then..

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