Sunday, November 22, 2009

US Biz Trip Memories (30 Sep to 2 Oct)

wow... its been many many weeks since i last pen anything.. so much things had happened in between..... went for a hectic US biz trip where my total travel time was more than my actual land time in US.. thats memorable.. haha.. i've had so many breakfast on the plane because of the time zone.. n i've had my first ever instant noodle on a plan and its a super small bowl (just like the kid's size noodle cup that u see in the supermarket) plus a pair of kids size disposable chopsticks.. at least thats what it looks like to me.. but it sure match the instant noodle bowl.
haha. must remember never to take united airlines again.. unless u dont mind not having yr own individual screen... .. i flew from SG to JP on the early morning flight after F1... wow.. airport and plane was super crowded and i got my personal screen.. JP to San Francisco .. there was no screen.. and i should have stopped and grab something at Narita airport,.. it was a long wait before the next meal was served... :(
well.. overall.. it was a fun but extremely tiring trip.. my 1st ride on a propellor mini plane.. with only 20+ seats..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brother's dream

Mum told me over dinner that Brother had dream about Grandma again.. she was telling him that she has a lot of money already and its enough already...
when i probed further with brother.. he refused to comment more and say .. 'dont have la... '... in his 'dont bother me' voice....
i shut up... why cant he share in more details so that we can have a better understanding..
why... but thats my brother .. that's his style...


Today.. i saw something which caused me to be in daze for a while..
someone from Mum's block had passed away & when me & Keng Siong came back.. they were setting up the altar.....
We had parked at the front of the block near the lift lobby...
Mum wanted to go Dad's shop for accupunture and I volunteered to send her there as Keng Siong seems tired..
never had i expect to see what i saw when i step out of the lift, turn right and walk towards the car....
I saw the truck from SFS (Singapore Funeral Services).. the door was lifted up halfway.. and i saw the coffin and the dead person wrapped up in white cloth lying beside the coffin..
i was dumbstruck.. i was shocked.. i dont even know what to say...
i had to walk past it to get my car.. the truck was parked perpendicular to my car.. luckily i can drive out at an angle as there was no other cars parked beside mine.
Mum did not see it.. i confirmed with her as she was busy looking at the altar to see if it was someone that she knew from the block..
we chit chatted about some stuff along the way... i cant recalled what we talked about at all now...

On the way driving back.. i had a flashback.. not even sure if thats the correct word to use.. i saw Grandma in that exact situation.. tied in white cloth at the hospital and when the parlor service brought her back home... it hurts.. it really hurts...

I was just telling Keng Siong that i had almost tore out the red tape at mum's void deck last night when i walked back to collect something.. but there was someone standing at the lift lobby so i did not do that.. He was telling me that its not the physical red tape that is bothering me.. its the tape in my mind... (for those who are not aware what i am talking about.. at Gandma wake.. we had stick some red tape around the floor to warn people of the uneven surface and it was still there as no one had tore it off.. there were about 4-5 strips of red tape and each tape will measure easily about 1 metre. so u can imagine how obvious it look against the grey floor of the void deck)

All men in family sick.. POOR me

Its been a while since i blog.. too busy with work and too busy taking care of all the men in the family..
Imagine... all the men in the family sick.. ARGH.. never want to be in that position again..
24th Aug week was terrible for me.... Jonas was down with viral fever, Keng Siong down with flu and Jovan was still recovering from a bad bout of Bronchitis and had to be on neubilizer.
Luckily for that few days when Jonas had fever, Mum offered to help me look after Jovan at night... if not.. i will really tire myself out.. n will be the next one to be down..

imagine this.. Jonas was sleeping in study room, Keng Siong was in master bedroom and i was on the study room floor.. exhausted.. checking ever so frequently on Jonas.. taking temp.. sponging him if he is higher than 38... The next day.. Keng Siong was also down with fever and Jonas was confirmed as stomach flu.

Keng Siong had a good nagging from me... whenever the kids are sick.. he will def join the crowd... I must remember to kick his bum if it happen again..
I remembered the Doc was looking at me pitifully when i brought Jonas n Keng Siong to the doc.. she was telling me to load up on Vitamin C and drinks lots of water & catch rest in between..
HAHA.. how i wished.. i was already very sleep deprived from the prev weekend when Jovan has to be on neub every 4 hrly round the clock...

Luckily, all is ok now.. even Jovan got the OK from the Pedi to be off the neub today... phew.. Thank God for it..
i had spent $700+ on Jovan medical bills this time round...n i am super poor this mth... with the 2 dresses i bought for Sis's wedding, the Mt Alvernia bills that i had paid when Keng Siong walked straight into the kitchen glass door and got a cut on his forehead and requires all the scanning & ECG etc cos his blood pressure was low and he felt giddy...
:) my credit card bill for this mth is BIG....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Alarm Bell Rings

Alarm bell rings.. i had been feeling on & off these few days.. in fact for nearly a whole week since i recovered from flu... on last friday.. my left upper lip started twitching.. i got the shock of my life.. i had just read an article about stroke.... my parents quickly came over and i had accupunture.... on monday.. it happened again.. i was just resting after my lunch of instant noodle when my left lip twitch again and my left cheek felt numb and i felt giddy..
Panic..... i closed all the windows. cancel my meeting and rushed a cab to my dad TCM shop.. my blood pressure was at 140/90.. very high... i had accupuncture all over my head, face & arm
i felt better after the treatment.. i was so worried about getting stroke.... thought of how Granny passed away also came to my mind.. i was physically & mentally exhausted... Dad keep asking me to cut down on fried food.which i had already done some time ago. it was my irregular schedule of meals...

LQ's Food Tasting

We had food tasting for LQ's wedding on 2 Aug.. it felt strange.. i was expecting to see Granny there... she was also in my food tasting..
Food was good and we started talking abt the sequence of the day event.
I was somber when we started about the timing to offer prayers to the ancestors. Granny should be at the event and not as a place to be offered incense to... but thats a fact that we can no longer reverse...... she would have been smiling ear to ear...............

I lost count

I lost count.....Time really flies...
its 125 days today and its National Day.. I only have very vague memories of what had happened since Jul 14 till now..
I remember that we had went to the temple to offer prayers to Grandma... i remember that it was early and i was there with Jonas, Jovan and the maid as Siong was stuck in NDP Meeting.
I remember I told Grandma that I loved her and I missed her so much.

I recalled for that evening i was in a semi dazed.. I was very exhausted and i was asking myself if Grandma was really gone.. such a joke.. of course .....