Tuesday, September 1, 2009

All men in family sick.. POOR me

Its been a while since i blog.. too busy with work and too busy taking care of all the men in the family..
Imagine... all the men in the family sick.. ARGH.. never want to be in that position again..
24th Aug week was terrible for me.... Jonas was down with viral fever, Keng Siong down with flu and Jovan was still recovering from a bad bout of Bronchitis and had to be on neubilizer.
Luckily for that few days when Jonas had fever, Mum offered to help me look after Jovan at night... if not.. i will really tire myself out.. n will be the next one to be down..

imagine this.. Jonas was sleeping in study room, Keng Siong was in master bedroom and i was on the study room floor.. exhausted.. checking ever so frequently on Jonas.. taking temp.. sponging him if he is higher than 38... The next day.. Keng Siong was also down with fever and Jonas was confirmed as stomach flu.

Keng Siong had a good nagging from me... whenever the kids are sick.. he will def join the crowd... I must remember to kick his bum if it happen again..
I remembered the Doc was looking at me pitifully when i brought Jonas n Keng Siong to the doc.. she was telling me to load up on Vitamin C and drinks lots of water & catch rest in between..
HAHA.. how i wished.. i was already very sleep deprived from the prev weekend when Jovan has to be on neub every 4 hrly round the clock...

Luckily, all is ok now.. even Jovan got the OK from the Pedi to be off the neub today... phew.. Thank God for it..
i had spent $700+ on Jovan medical bills this time round...n i am super poor this mth... with the 2 dresses i bought for Sis's wedding, the Mt Alvernia bills that i had paid when Keng Siong walked straight into the kitchen glass door and got a cut on his forehead and requires all the scanning & ECG etc cos his blood pressure was low and he felt giddy...
:) my credit card bill for this mth is BIG....

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