Sunday, June 28, 2009

Looking for the Lotus Flower sticker

its been a really tiring day.. i went to Godness of Mercy Temple at Waterloo.. we had vegetarian brunch at the shop that we had frequentted during those 49 days. After that, i went to look for the stickers.
Its the 1st time that i had an opportunity to go to the temple after granny's 49 days..
But i did not manage to find suitable stickers.. only 1 shop sells them. It was either very big. Each sticker was about my size of the middle of my palm. Please. my hand not small ok.... Or it was very small and very colorful.. it does not potrait that feeling of peacefulness. I went to all the shops around the temple as well as Fu Lu Shou. But none of them carries the ones that i saw previously. It was so maddening..
i had orginally wanted to cross over to the shops opp at Rocher Center.. but Jonas and Jovan looked so shagged under the hot sun that i did not dare to mention it.
I told myself.. i must find it before the 100 days... Its on July 14. Most prob we will be having prayers on the weekend after that..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


There had been quite a few gathering among the family recently. PotLuck at dad shop, bowling sessions and most recently, a bbq at Pasir Ris Park to celebrate Father's Day.
It's the first time that we celebrate Father's Day together as an extended family. We always used to celebrate Mother's Day because of Granny. This year we did not as it still hurt too much..
I was looking at the photos that Siong had taken and mumbling to myself why we had never organized such outings before.. were we really so busy with our own lives that we had forgotten about our cousins, aunties & uncles..
I told Siong... next time.. even if my kids get married and have kids.. everyone has to come back for dinner once a week or fortnightly.. i recalled a saying 'Family that eat together.. bond together'. i recalled a time long ago that my cousins will all come for dinner regularly.. i cant recalled why that practice was stopped...maybe things will have been different...
Few days ago.. i walked into my bro's room and saw his ROM, wedding photos pasted on his cupboard.. Grandma was smiling in each photo... she looked so pleased and proud and happy in them. Tears started streaming down....
Today, i went in to look at those photos again.. i called Jovan into the room and asked him who that was.. he replied .. "Mah Mah"... thats how he called her.. he remembered her.. how proud i was of him and yet how sad i were..


I've been wanting to write but just couldn't find the time to do so when work has been so busy..
i've not even had time to update the house rules for the new maid.. so many things to do .. so little time..
We had a few family gathering recently.. the dinner at my dad place, the bowling sessions and most recentlt, the Father's Day celebration at Pasir Ris Park.
I was looking at the photos that Siong took and i mumbled to myself..'why didn't we plan any of these last time' and the answer i got from Siong was that 'everyone was always so busy with our own lives.... family always bond closer after incident happen'
Yesterday, i went into my brother's room and noticed that he had pasted numerous photos that was taken with Grandma on his ROM and Wedding on his cupboard. I was dumbstruck and i got emotional.
My stack of photos was kept in the bookshelf, placed at an adjacent angle so that it is not directly visible. On certain night, i would take it out for a look before i go to sleep... how i missed her so...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Days passed by..unknowingly

Days seems to be really flying past by.. its 75th day.. 100th day will be on July 14...
have i goten over the death of grandma... have the rest of the family gotten over it...
whenever i go to my dad shop..after all patients had left & only family members are they.. he will play a cd with the chinese prayer chants... that will recalled my memories of the days where there was always chanting.. be it at the void deck or at my parents place during that 49 days....
looking at the red tape at the void deck will also trigger the memories of those 5 days... how i wish i can just tear it off...... but so what.... some memories will always be there..

nowadays.. whenever i pass by a wake..i will wonder... how did the person passed away.. are his/her family members as sad as we were... are they coping well